Friday, November 20, 2009

You can be on our blog!!

Please remember that you or your missionary can be on our blog!! Just email and we'll set them up! We want to keep tabs on everyone, so send us your stuff!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Almost 6 months

Well Mike has been out for almost 6 months! Its so exciting. He had his first companion transfer last week! He says its hard cause the guy is Filipino and doesn't speak English and Mike says "I don't speak much Tagalog." I am sure they will find a way. He says he love it there at the people are amazing and there is one brother who always feeds him! haha He has to take "lovely cold bucket showers" He told us last week in a letter that he was at the Mission Presidents house and saw two animals playing outta the corner of his eye and he thought they were cats, he took a closer look and sure enough they were RATS! EWW he said it was so weird! Someone in his region got baptised about 2 weeks ago another member did it but Michael was very excited! When he writes me he always tells me the best things and gives me advice! Its so hard cause he is my baby brother and shouldn't be giving me such wonderful advice! :( I will write again soon sorry I haven't been keeping up very well!